13th Symposium on Overset Composite Grids and Solution Technology

Latest News

This international symposium provides an open forum for communication among mathematicians, scientists, and engineers from academia, industry, and government. The technical organization is informal, and only oral presentations are required. The goals of the symposium are to:

The technical format of this event will be a day (Monday) devoted to tutorial sessions and three days (Tuesday through Thursday) devoted to technical presentations with question and answer sessions.

Key Dates

17 May 2016Registration site opened
05 August 2016Deadline for submission of your abstract for an oral presentation
12 August 2016Deadline for submission of abstracts for student posters
19 August 2016Notification of acceptance for oral presentations and student posters
31 August 2016Early registration deadline
02 Sept 2016Final program available
07 October 2016Electronic version of final presentation due. Please send to Dinesh Naik
07 October 2016Deadline for purchasing additional dinner tickets
17 October 20161st day of Symposium -- Tutorial Day
18 October 20162nd day of Symposium -- Keynote address and Presentations

Locally supported by the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the AIAA: